“Hoosiers is like seizures, only you don’t know who has them.”


“Mootiest point ever.”

“If you don’t believe in God and he does exist, then you go to hell. And that’s bad.”

“And I don’t like to be dead twice!”

“That sounds like fun. And by fun I mean death.”

“But soon the baby will be killed by another baby.”

“Look, it’s making a noise!”

“This is what Linux could say if it could talk.”

“Don’t Americans have French accents?...duh, they’re Americans.”

“Okay, okay, blood is a condiment.”

“If knowing that Napoleon wore pink socks makes you happy…”

Cullen: “Emma, we’ve got a new plan. We’re going to take over Ann Arbor, Michigan.”
Emma: “Why?”
Cullen: “It’s a college town, it’ll be easy.”

“Convergence of evidence, biatch!”

“If God didn’t write a column, it would be like that.”

“Stoner poetry is forever…it’s like a diamond.”

“I was like, ‘I’m almost impressed enough to let you feel me up.’ But not quite.”

“In an alternate universe Hitler could have been Jesus.”

“If tigers saw a tiger sex movie would they think it was hot?”

“Hasta la vista, Satanists!”

“We were just talking about this; you hate it because you think it’s really stupid.”--Gwen
“The laundromat?”--Cullen

"Yep, even as we speak my brain is deter-deter-deteriororating."

"I may be a nutcase, but I have good aim!"

“Let’s go into her room and smell some bunnies.”

“…his contemporaries and his non-contemporaries…”

“If aliens invade, I’ll be a theoretical physicist. I’d like to be prepared.”

“I owe you all a unified theory of everything.”